The Campus provides a scenic place to meditate and reflect through nature, an opportunity to be closer to God.
Garland Reynolds is the architect who designed our church building and worship space. This video interview is with George Yandell, our former rector, and Garland in 2022.
Church of the Holy Family – Holy Family Church was formed in 1986 by a small group of Episcopalians living in the Jasper area who felt called to start a new church. The current building was dedicated in 2002 to the Glory of God to nurture the faithful on this holy ground. Holy ground not just because of God’s handiwork in nature, not just because of the spirit of the Cherokee who lived on this land, and not just because of the families who owned and developed the land. Then and now, this land as a gathering place for God’s people was and is God’s land.
Memorial Garden – A Memorial Garden is a history of people, a perpetual record of yesterday and a sanctuary of peace and quiet today. It exists because every life is deserving of loving and remembering, always. Lives are commemorated, deaths are recorded, families are reunited, memories are made tangible and love is undisguised. The Memorial Garden is located in the upper meadow on the western side of the campus, adjacent to Griffith Lake.
Labyrinth – The labyrinth as a spiritual tool holds power for prayer and reflection. The labyrinth is a model of a path- exactly where we need to be, a metaphor for life’s journey. It’s an ancient symbol that relates to wholeness, combining the imagery of the circle and the spiral into a meandering but purposeful path. It represents a journey to our own center and back again out into the world. There is no right way to walk a labyrinth, you only have to enter and follow the path. The area was recently enhanced and updated as a gift by a parish family, mid 2020. The Labyrinth pattern is designed for wheelchair accessibility.
Walking Trails – A kiosk sign with information about the four trails on the campus is located on the south side of the church parking lot. The trails encompass nature and historic areas totaling 2.8 miles.
Fountain Garden – This is a lovely area built at the entrance to the main Church in 2004, it greets parishioners as they enter the main Church. This garden setting has two benches and a soothing bubbling fountain. The landscaping was designed to provide a semi-private environment for quiet solitude and quiet reflection. It was designed and donated by a parishioner about 2002 and dedicated as a memorial to several members.
The Meadows – Cherokee Indian Ball Ground Historic Site – The Ball Ground dates to the early 1800’s or earlier. The Cherokees played a game similar to lacrosse on the acreage. According to an anthropologist from the late 1800’s, the last Cherokee Ball Game was held in 1834 and reportedly the village chiefs’ bet $1,000 each on the outcome of the game. A historic marker is on the site with additional information.
Church Office – This building houses the offices of the Rector and the Parish Administrator. The Parlor is used by the Prayer Shawl Group the last Monday of the month, 10 months of the year. Meetings can be held here pending a reservation through the Parish Administrator.
Pete’s Porch – So named in memory of its long time caretaker Pete Cook, who was the steward of the campus for 26 years. The building now serves as a storage shed, meeting room and BBQ site for our many fundraisers. The building originally served as a community food pantry, that outreach is now managed by CARES. A book was created in honor of Pete for his love and dedication to Holy Family, rightly titled “For Pete’s Sake: A Celebration of Pete Cook’s Stewardship.”
Pavilion – This area is connected to the Conference Center and serves as the outdoor reception area for many events. It can be reserved through the church office.
Conference Center – This building is available for many uses, ie meetings, fundraising, etc. There is a small kitchen with stove, oven, refrigerator and sink. Reservations can be made through the Parish Administrator.