Holy Family Vestry – Left to Right: Patricia Stimmel (Secretary), Loran Davis, Jim Braley, Andy Edwards, Howell Kiser, Terry Nicholson (Junior Warden), John Kirk, Phil Anderson (Senior Warden), Ginger Griffith, Amy Dickson, and Dan Ciomek (Not Shown – Treasurer)
A parish is how Episcopalians refer to a local church and the membership it serves. The primary leadership team in a parish is the vestry. Vestries work with the clergy to administer the temporal business of the parish. Members of the vestry are elected at annual meetings and serve in a leadership role in the life of the church. The vestry serves as legal representative of the church and it conducts the affairs of the church.
At Holy Family, we have a nine-member vestry. Three members of the vestry are elected each year at our Annual Parish Meeting. Members serve a three-year term, with retiring members rotating off the vestry each year as new members are elected.
Class of 2024
- Andy Edwards
- Howell Kiser
- Terry Nicholson, Junior Warden
Class of 2025
- Jim Braley
- Ginger Griffith
- John Kirk
Class of 2026
- Phil Anderson, Senior Warden
- Loran Davis
- Amy Dickson
To contact a member of the vestry, send an email to holyfamch2@etcmail.com or call 770-893-4525. Your communication will be directed to the member of the vestry you request to contact.