Don’t Miss!

Join Us Sundays:
8:00 am Quiet Service with Communion, Rite I
9:15 am Christian Education
– Parish Hall
10:30 am Service with Music and Communion, Rite 2
Sunday Coffee Hours:  Coffee and simple refreshments in the Parish Hall begin after each Sunday morning service. Come join us!

Mondays at 7:00 pm on Zoom – Women’s Christian Education

Wednesdays at 8:30 am on Facebook – Morning Prayer

1st Wednesday of each month at noon – Healing Service with Eucharist
Followed by lunch in the Parish Hall.

Saturday, October 12
11:00 Tai Chi – CC

Monday, October 14
9:30 EfM – Parish Hall
7:00p Women’s Christian Ed – Zoom

Tuesday, October 15
10:00 Parish Life – PH
10:00 Yoga – CC
11:15 Chair Yoga – CC
12:00 CARES – PH Nursery

Wednesday, October 16
8:00 CARES Board – PH
8:30 Morning Prayer – Facebook
9:00 Men’s Breakfast – Deb’s
1:00 Communications Team – Z

Thursday, October 17
10:00 Yoga – CC
12:30 Disciples Class – PH

Oct 19 Service for Marietta Choyce
Oct 19 Serve Pickens
Oct 26 HF Bent Tree
Oct 22 Outreach
Oct 22 Vestry
Oct 26 HF Bent Tree
Oct 27 Stewardship Campaign Kickoff Lunch catered by Chef Jacques LeBlanc
Oct 28 Prayer Shawls
Nov 16 Men’s Retreat
Nov 17 Consecration Sunday
Dec 8 Lessons & Carols
Jan 6 Concert Series & Chili Supper

CC = Conference Center
PH = Parish Hall

For more information see the latest Touchstone.