Rector Search

Dearest God, Our Creator and Divine Inspiration,

Sustain us during this important time, a time of openness, imagination, and discovery,
A sacred time when we pause to rekindle our purpose and discern our hopes.

Bless all involved in this journey of transition; help us be still and hear your voice.
We pray for the candidates for our rector position.
May they encounter your Presence as they meet us and learn about Holy Family Church.

Made in your image, inspire us to embrace wisdom, creativity, patience, and joy.
And inspire our next rector to feel your divine tug to call Holy Family “home”.

In Christ’s abiding love we pray, Alleluia, Amen.

The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta Application for Rector

August 9, 2024 – CAT Survey is Here!

The Nominating Committee was pleased to host Sally Ulrey from the diocese last week as she made a presentation regarding the data gathered from the parish-wide CAT survey. If you have any questions about the survey or any aspect of the work the committee is doing, members of the committee will be available in the parish hall between the services to speak with you this Sunday, August 11. Of course, you are free to contact any committee member at any time to discuss the search process. 

Please remember all the nominating committee members in your prayers! Steve Franzen, Martha Power, Scott Armentrout, Winship Durrett, Ric Sanchez, Cammie Cox, Allan DeNiro and Jeannine Krenson.

August 2, 2024 – Survey Results (Aug. 4) and Round Table Discussion (Aug. 11)

Canon Sally Ulrey will be at Holy Family this Sunday August 4 for the 10 am Service to explain the results of the survey that 140 of us took in preparation for the new rector. Canon Ulrey will speak for approximately 30 minutes and will have a short amount of time for Q&A. We look forward to seeing you this Sunday! 

The Nominating Committee will be available on August 11 for a Round Table Discussion between services to answer any questions you may have about the survey results. The Nominating Committee encourages all parishioners to come to both special events.

Meanwhile, the Parish Profile sub committee is diligently working on editing the writeups from each ministry head and exploring ways of showing Holy Family as it really is – a welcoming, active, and vibrant parish ready to transition into the next phase of doing God’s work here in the Jasper area. 

Please remember all the nominating committee members in your prayers! –Steve Franzen, Martha Power, Scott Armentrout, Winship Durrett, Ric Sanchez, Cammie Cox, Allan DeNiro and Jeannine Krenson. 

Continue reading August 2, 2024 – Survey Results (Aug. 4) and Round Table Discussion (Aug. 11)

July 19, 2024 – 10:00 AM Service August 4

There will be only one service on August 4 and it will be at 10:00 am. There will be no 9:15 Adult Ed that day. The reason for the change in time is because Canon Sally Ullrey from the Bishop’s staff will be at Holy Family to explain the results of the survey 140 of us took in preparation for the new rector. Canon Ullrey will speak for approximately 30 minutes and will have a short amount of time for Q&A. 

Remember! Put it on your calendar! Put a string around your finger! Tell Siri 10:00 am Service, August 4.

Also, the Nominating Committee will be available on August 11 between the services to answer any questions that folks may have about the survey results. The Nominating Committee encourages all parishioners to come to both special events. –Steve Franzen, Martha Power, Scott Armentrout, Winship Durrett, Ric Sanchez, Cammie Cox, Allan DeNiro and Jeannine Krenson. 

Continue reading July 19, 2024 – 10:00 AM Service August 4

July 12, 2024 – Nominating Committee Update

On August 4 Canon Sally Ulrey will present to the congregation highlights of the CAT survey we filled out in May. There will be only one service that day. Canon Ulrey’s interpretation will be at the end of the 10:30 service.

On August 11 at 9:15 between the two services the Nominating Committee will host a round table discussion with parishioners who would like to ask questions and/or give opinions regarding the results of the survey and the search for our new rector. 

The Nominating Committee encourages all parishioners to come to both special events. –Steve Franzen, Martha Power, Scott Armentrout, Winship Durrett, Ric Sanchez, Cammie Cox, Allan DeNiro and Jeannine Krenson. 

Continue reading July 12, 2024 – Nominating Committee Update

June 28, 2024 – CAT Interpretation

The nominating committee and vestry met jointly on June 25 with Canon Sally Ulrey to hear her interpretation of the CAT survey that we all took in May. It was a very informative meeting. Canon Ulrey will return to Holy Family in early August after the 10:30 service to highlight the survey findings. Watch for the actual date!

-Your Nominating Committee, Steve Franzen, Martha Power, Scott Armentrout, Winship Durrett, Ric Sanchez, Cammie Cox, Allan DeNiro and Jeannine Krenson. 

Continue reading June 28, 2024 – CAT Interpretation

June 19, 2024 – CAT Meetings Scheduled

Your nominating committee is hard at work with a scheduled joint meeting of the nominating committee and the vestry on June 25 to hear the interpretation of the Church Assessment Tool (CAT) from Canon Sally Ultrey from the Bishop’s office. Sally will also return to Holy Family one of the two first Sundays in August for a congregational meeting after the 10:30 service to share highlights of the survey with the parish. We are also working on the Parish Profile which will be published electronically and is directed at potential candidates for Holy Family.

The nominating committee covets the prayers of the parishioners during this time of transition. If you have questions, please contact a member of the Nominating Committee:  Steve Franzen, Martha Power, Scott Armentrout, Winship Durrett, Ric Sanchez, Cammie Cox, Allan DeNiro and Jeannine Krenson. 

Continue reading June 19, 2024 – CAT Meetings Scheduled

May 31, 2024 – The Cat’s MEOW!

This parish is the “CAT”S MEOW”. Seriously, thank you from the Nominating Committee for your participation in the Congregation Assessment Tool (CAT). This survey will give clear insight to the committee in our search for our new rector. The next step is a professional interpretation of the results of the survey. We will then complete a Parish Profile that will highlight the ministries and activities of Holy Family and will be available for prospective candidates. 

If you have questions, please contact a member of the Nominating Committee:  Steve Franzen, Martha Power, Scott Armentrout, Winship Durrett, Ric Sanchez, Cammie Cox, Allan DeNiro and Jeannine Krenson. 

Continue reading May 31, 2024 – The Cat’s MEOW!

May 24, 2024 – CAT Deadline Extended

The Nominating Committee has extended the deadline date for the Congregational Assessment Tool (CAT) Survey to Thursday, May 30. If you have not had the opportunity to complete the survey yet, please do so between now and May 30. We would like as much input from as many congregants as possible. If you need a paper copy, they are available in the church office; contact Christie to let her know you will be by to pick one up.

Please set aside enough time to answer all the questions. Read the instructions carefully before starting the survey. The survey will take about 25 minutes. All survey responses are completely anonymous.

Thank you for your willingness to be a part of this congregational assessment and for helping to build the future for Holy Family. If you have questions, please contact a member of the Nominating Committee: Steve Franzen, Martha Power, Scott Armentrout, Winship Durrett, Ric Sanchez, Cammie Cox, Allan DeNiro and Jeannine Krenson.

Continue reading May 24, 2024 – CAT Deadline Extended

May 10, 2024 – The CAT is Out!

The Church Assessment Tool (CAT) arrived in your emails on Tuesday, May 7. (The CAT is an on-line survey that will tell us about your experiences with, and priorities for, Holy Family.)

The nominating committee cannot stress enough how important it is for this survey to be completed in a timely manner and returned. Your input as parishioners of Holy Family is vital to the success of our Parish Profile and ultimately to the success of selecting our new rector.

The survey will take approximately 25 minutes to complete and must be completed in one sitting. The link to the CAT will be available to the people in household that use the same email. Please do not discuss the survey or your answers with others as this may influence their answers. All answers are completely anonymous. Paper copies of the survey for any who do not use email are available. Call Christie in the church office if you need a paper copy.

Committee members are Steve Franzen, Martha Power, Scott Armentrout, Winship Durrett, Ric Sanchez, Cammie Cox, Allan DeNiro and Jeannine Krenson.

Continue reading May 10, 2024 – The CAT is Out!

May 3, 2024 – The CAT

Be on the Lookout! The Church Assessment Tool (CAT) will arrive in parish member’s emails on Tuesday, May 7. The CAT is an on-line survey that will tell us about your experiences with, and priorities for, Holy Family. The nominating committee cannot stress enough how important it is for this survey to be completed in a timely manner and returned. Your input as parishioners of Holy Family is vital to the success of our Parish Profile and ultimately to the success of selecting our new rector.

The survey will take approximately 25 minutes to complete and must be completed in one sitting. The link to the CAT will be available to the people in household that use the same email. Please do not discuss the survey or your answers with others as this may influence their answers. All answers are completely anonymous. Paper copies of the survey for any who do not use email are available. Call Christie in the church office if you need a paper copy.

Members of the nominating committee will be available after Sunday services the next two Sundays to answer any questions you may have. Committee members are Steve Franzen, Martha Power, Scott Armentrout, Winship Durrett, Ric Sanchez, Cammie Cox, Allan DeNiro and Jeannine Krenson.

Continue reading May 3, 2024 – The CAT

April 26, 2024 – Parish Wide Survey

The Vestry has appointed a Nominating Committee to conduct a search for a new rector for Holy Family. The nominating committee will then recommend candidates to the Vestry. One of the major components of our search is to construct a Parish Profile that will be available to prospective candidates.

Your input as parishioners of Holy Family is vital to the success of our Parish Profile and ultimately to the success of selecting our new rector. A Church Assessment Tool (CAT) is an on-line survey that will be sent to parishioners within the next two weeks. There will also be paper copies available. We cannot stress enough how important it is for this survey to be completed in a timely manner and returned.

Next week you will receive a letter in the mail regarding the survey and the next week an email with the link to the CAT. Please do not discuss the survey or your answers with others as this may influence their answers. All answers are completely anonymous. The survey will tell us about your experiences
with, and priorities for, Holy Family. Over the next three Sundays, members of the nominating committee will be available after the Sunday services to answer any questions you may have.

Committee members are Steve Franzen, Martha Power, Scott Armentrout, Winship Durrett, Ric Sanchez, Cammie Cox, Allan DeNiro and Jeannine Krenson.

Continue reading April 26, 2024 – Parish Wide Survey

April 12, 2024 – Meeting with Search Consultant

  • Opening Announced
  • Bishop, Cannon to the Ordinary, and Consultant
  • Search Readiness Assessment
  • Nominating Committee Appointed

Rector Search Update! On Tuesday, April 9 the Vestry and Nominating Committee met with our search consultant Fr. Scott Kidd, Rector at the Church of the Resurrection in Sautee, Georgia, to more clearly define future roles and responsibilities for the search process. The Nominating Committee is now focused on the requirements to administer the Congregational Assessment Tool (CAT) parish wide survey and to create a parish profile for interested Rector candidates. As a reminder, the members of the Nominating Committee are Steve Franzen, Co-Chair, Martha Power, Co-Chair, Scott Armentrout, Cammie Cox, Allan DeNiro, Winship Durrett, Jeannine Krenson, and Ric Sanchez. We welcome your feedback and your questions! Phil Anderson, Senior Warden

Continue reading April 12, 2024 – Meeting with Search Consultant

April 5, 2024 Rector Search Begins

  • Opening Announced
  • Bishop, Cannon to the Ordinary, and Consultant
  • Search Readiness Assessment
  • Nominating Committee Appointed

The Diocese of Atlanta Leadership Transition Flowchart reflects the major steps to be accomplished in sequence to call our new Rector. Periodic reference will be made to this flow chart to measure the progress by the Vestry and the Nominating Committee. Currently we have called Bill Harkins to be our Interim Priest in Charge; met with the Diocese Canon to the Ordinary, Alicia Schuster Weltner; called our search process consultant the Rev. Scott Kidd from the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection in Sautee, GA; completed the Search Readiness Assessment; and appointed the Nominating Committee. The next major step is the administration of a parish survey using a Congregational Assessment Tool (CAT) provided by Holy Cow Consultants. The CAT is a customizable assessment instrument that:

  •  Measures the level of satisfaction and energy in the congregation.
  •  Identifies the critical success factors for improving organizational climate.
  •  Pinpoints the strengths of your congregation’s culture.
  •  Discovers where members would like to go in the future.
  •  Gauges readiness for change.
  •  Uncovers potential resources you may be missing.

Prepares us for a search for your next Rector.

Completion of the CAT survey will be essential for our future parish life and the success of our search for a new Rector. I look forward to reporting future progress and welcome your questions!

Continue reading April 5, 2024 Rector Search Begins