Global Missions
The Outreach Ministry believes these ministries fulfill our Mission Statement: To identify the needs of the greater community with the goal of improving the quality of life of those in need, and to develop and conduct those programs for the broader community which express Christian love and caring for our neighbors beyond parish boundaries.

Diocese Cape Coast Ghana – Holy Family is in relationship with St. James the Apostle Anglican church in Elmina, Ghana for mutual prayer and companionship.
Episcopal Relief and Development – Episcopal Relief and Development works with its partners worldwide to alleviate hunger, create economic opportunities, respond to disasters, promote health and strengthen communities. Holy Family donates annually for disaster relief.
Haiti Companions – Haiti Companions provides medical, dental and eye care at weekly clinics in remote areas in the Gressier region of Haiti, using Haitian medical providers and other staff. Haiti Companions was co-founded by Terry Franzen, amember of Holy Family, who has traveled to Haiti many times. Holy Family donates annually and Terry Franzen serves on the Board.
Haitian Hope

Haitian Hope is a partnership of several Episcopal churches from around the US to support St. Marc’s School in Trouin, Haiti and the village it serves. The goal was to help the children become more productive and self-sufficient through accomplishing the educational skills and knowledge required by the Haitian system. Funds are raised for mutually agreed upon projects and materials, including crisis aid, lunch programs, and training and support of teachers and students. We are thankful to be a Haitian Hope partner.

The LAMB Institute in Tegucigalpa, Honduras
The LAMB Institute in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, was initially established as a Missionary Bible Institute. Responding to the needs of the community, it has been turned into a day care center for children of poor destitute mothers, a school for poor city children, an orphanage in the country safe from violence, an after school club for both boys and girls to keep them away from drugs, a small food pantry for older poor families and the sponsor of city wide education for children to prevent sex trafficing.
Leamarie True has been involved with the LAMB Institute representing Holy Family. With the financial aid from Holy Family she has been working toward improving the educational program for the youngest students in the city school and the children at the home. Contact the Parish Administrator at or 770-893-4525 to become involved.
My Vision for Refugees – My Vision was founded by Samuel Johnson, a refugee himself who was educated at Holy Innocents School and Mercer University in Atlanta. He provides housing, food, and education for refugees and orphans in Guinea, West Africa. Holy family is a donor.