Opportunities within our parish
Here is some information about the opportunities to serve within the parish. To find out more about the current status or to become involved with any of these activities or groups, please either contact the church office (770-893-4525) or submit the Opportunities for Service Questionnaire and the Parish Administrator will connect you with the correct person.
- Administration – office volunteer; perform administrative tasks to support our Parish Administrator (fold service leaflets, answer telephones, fill in during vacation), coordinator volunteers, clerk for various ministries, organize special projects
- Altar Guild – “sets the table” for the various services, cares for the silver, linens, pottery and anything else required for the services whether inside, or outside, prepares Eucharistic Visitor Kits
- Broadcast Team – livestream and record services and other events and post them to the website, Facebook and YouTube
- Buildings – oversee the maintenance, repair and cleaning of the church, parish hall, conference center, office, Pete’s porch and the pavilion; this group works with the sexton and outside vendors to complete its mission
- Christian Education – participate in or lead 9:15 adult education classes on Sundays and occasional weekdays, providing opportunities for parishioners to lead educational programs and discussions Learn more
- Church Chicks – participate in, organize, schedule, and promote quarterly outings for the ladies of the parish to a nearby restaurant, special events facility, or winery
- Coffee Hour Host – set up and provide refreshments for coffee hour after church on Sundays
- Communications – maintain website, coordinate articles and advertising in various media
- Daughters of the King – welcome new members and visitors to their monthly meetings for members of the order Learn more
- Education for Ministry (EfM) – a unique four-year distance learning certificate program in theological education based on small-group study and practice; meets starting in September each year for about 2.5 hrs per week for 36 weeks for in-depth study of the bible Learn more
- Finance Committee – work with all ministries, Treasurer and Vestry in various financial aspects of Holy Family; oversee the budget and financial health of the parish
- Flower Guild – provide flower arrangements for weekend services and holiday seasons
- Grounds – lawn maintenance including mowing, weeding, blowing leaves and maintaining trails on the Holy Family campus
- Hospitality – organize food and assist with decorations for special events
- Memorial Garden – assist with establishing plots for ashes, setting headstones and maintaining the garden
- Memorials and Gifts – write thank you notes to donors
- Men’s Breakfast – meets weekly on Wednesday at 8 AM at Deb’s Bakery restaurant in downtown Jasper for fellowship and breakfast
- Music – rehearse weekly and sing on Sundays, holidays, and bi-monthly for Evensong; the folk choir sings at special services and rehearses for a few weeks before their performance Learn more
- Outreach – identify the needs of the greater community; recruit and train people to meet these needs in a way that demonstrates Christian love and care for our neighbors
- Parish Life – Seeks to organize parish-wide events and activities to connect hearts, engage belonging, and to build community.
- Parish Partners – assist visitors and newcomers in assimilating into the Holy Family congregation through getting to know others and making them aware of opportunities for service; plan and assist with newcomer events/dinners/classes
- Pastoral Care – provide specific acts of compassionate and loving care to the members of our church family; assist in various specific ministries made up of the pastoral care team (Aging in Place, Healing Ministry, Pastoral Visitors, Personal Notes, Prayer Shawls, Congregational Notes, etc.)maintain and distribute the prayer list
- Pastoral Visitors – Visit with those who have had surgery, are homebound, or would just enjoy having company; this interaction might include a social outing or transportation to a church function
- Prayer Shawls & Pet Ministry – meets monthly in the church office parlor to knit prayer shawls for distribution to members of Holy Family and blankets/toys for pets; beginners are welcome; all materials provided; shawls are blessed before distribution
- Prayers of the People – lead the Prayers of the People during Sunday and Holy Day services
- Ushers – assist with seating parishioners, receive offerings during Sunday services, maintain the flow of communion traffic at the Eucharist. Ushers also function as greeters and welcome parishioners and visitors at Sunday services and for special events; distribute informational packets about the church to visitors
- Vestry – The elected vestry is responsible for the overall governance and administration of the church. Its primary responsibilities include overseeing the church’s financial health, managing property and assets, and supporting the clergy in the mission and ministry of the parish. The vestry collaborates with the rector or priest-in-charge to set strategic goals, make decisions on budget and resource allocation.
- Welcome Hands Quilters – Make lap quilts for children living in group homes
- Worship – serve as part of the worship team which includes Eucharistic minister, Eucharistic Visitor, Acolyte, Lector, Verger, Intercessor, and oblation bearers