November 20, 2024
Last Sunday was Pledge Consecration Sunday, and I am so very grateful to all who gave so generously. Thank you! And if you are considering making or renewing your pledge, thank you! Let us continue to give of our time, talents, and financial pledges with gratitude, and imagination as to who, and whose we are, and who we are becoming!
Of late I have been wondering; how might telling our stories of Divine generosity and mystery energize our common life at Holy Family? When we have been surprised by joy, how do we give in response to this? As we approach the Advent season with hopeful anticipation, how might we pay attention to even the smallest blessings on our daily walk? This past Sunday I arrived at church in the predawn darkness and sat in silence in the nave of our beautiful parish. I offered a prayer of gratitude for all the lives who would gather that day, and all the Saints who have come before, and are to come.
In his wonderful book “The Embers and the Stars,” Erazim Kohak asks this very question of each of us, and of himself… how might we respond out of gratitude for the gifts we have been given? To speak for example of the gift of the presence of God in nature—and of the creatures who live in it, may at first glance seem challenging. Kohak writes, “Nature appears dead to us in part because we have come to think of God as “super-natural,” absent from nature and not found therein.” This is,
November 13, 2024
Diocesan Council, Holy Family, and Quantum Entanglement!
On Friday and Saturday of this past week, a contingent from Holy Family journeyed to Holy Innocents’ parish for our annual Diocesan Council. I am grateful to Jeanine Krenson, Andy Edwards, Terry Nicholson, Jim Braley, and Loran Davis for their willingness to join me and in so doing, representing our beloved parish. The opening worship was lively, engaging, and deeply moving, and it was a joy for each of us to join with others from around the Diocese as we engaged in the collective, good work of being the church.
I was especially interested in the 2023 Vitality Parochial Report overview, citing trends across the Diocese. Among the “markers of vitality” were 1. Identity of Purpose (a clear sense of who you are as a parish, the gifts you have been given to share with the world, your calling); 2. Transformational Experience (spiritual maturity developed at church through worship, formation, and fellowship); 3. Shared Leadership (lay and clergy leaders collaborate and make decisions together 4. Discernment Practices (Intentional practices for listening, experimentation, adaptation) and 5. Neighborliness and Witness (serving and being in relationship with neighbors, sharing the story of the Good News beyond the walls of the church in ways that invite people in).
In each of these areas, I believe we are making good strides at Holy Family, and I am grateful to everyone for the many ways each of you contribute to our congregational vitality.
November 6, 2024
If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough. ~Meister Ecka
Friends, These past two weeks at Holy Family have been filled with signs of hope, enthusiasm, and teamwork among so many of you. Thank you!
Our Stewardship Kickoff celebration, the glorious Rutter Requiem on Friday, and the services on Sundays are all outward and visible signs of a vibrant community and remarkable energy. And, I have met several new visitors to our parish, including a former member of the Cathedral who now lives in Big Canoe and will be joining Holy Family. We have now gone “live” with our search, thanks to the tireless efforts of our nominating committee, led by Martha and Steve! Thank you!
This week we will enjoy our monthly Wednesday healing service, and on Friday a contingent of us will journey to Holy Innocents parish for Diocesan Council. This parish is deeply important to me, as it was where I began my journey into the Episcopal Church as a 16-year-old soon-to-be lapsed Presbyterian! On Saturday the 16th we will host a Men’s Retreat, and I hope some of you can join us to discuss the epidemic of loneliness, and how fellowship among men can have practical applications for wholeness in mind, body, and spirit. Please keep in mind our Stewardship drive as we move toward the Advent season, and pick up a Holy Family polo shirt, sweatshirt, or hat as we seek to spread the good news about our beloved parish!
October 30. 2024
As I write in the pre-dawn darkness, I am so grateful for this community of Holy Family. The services and festive stewardship kickoff gathering on Sunday were wonderful and were the result of the good and creative work of so many. A deep bow of gratitude to Loran and her team for a fantastic event. I am so very grateful for their energy, vision, and the necessary leadership to see that vision through to reality! As the old song goes, “There’s a sweet, sweet spirit in this place.” Indeed, there is, and I am so very proud of and grateful for each of you.
And thank you to Jacques and his team (Tony Militello, Terry Nicholson, Bruce Elliot, Andy Edwards, and all who jumped in to help!) for such a bountiful repast, done with excellence, grace, and hospitality! Wow! Laissez les bons temps rouler!
Jim Braley’s stewardship message during the worship services was spot on and set just the right tone for the next phase in our efforts. Thank you, Jim!
In this season of giving at Holy Family, let’s promise, one to another, to remember that we are all leaders by virtue of our Baptismal Covenant. Leaders come in many forms and are based on our awareness of our gifts and graces. Among the most distinguishing characteristics of leaders is a willingness to give of themselves considering these gifts and abilities. Indeed, our own Holy Family has a long history of engagement in the community,