Sunday Services
Our central act of worship is the Holy Eucharist (Holy Communion) which is offered twice on Sunday morning.
- 8 am – The service follows the Rite I order of service in the Book of Common Prayer. A sermon is included but there is no music. This service will not be live streamed or recorded.
- 10:30 am – The service follows the Rite II order of service in the Book of Common Prayer and includes a sermon and appropriate organ and choir music. This service is live streamed to Facebook, and YouTube. You need not be a user of Facebook to watch the service. Just click on the Facebook symbol on the bottom of any page and it will take you to the Holy Family Facebook page where you can view the service. The service is also recorded and is available on this web site later in the day and remains for viewing at your convenience.
- For more information about either of these services, please call the Parish Administrator (770-893-4525).
Weekday Services
We offer Morning Prayer on Wednesday mornings at 8:30 AM on Episcopal Church of the Holy Family Facebook page. The service is led by Holy Family parishioners from their homes and is live streamed. The service remains on the site for viewing at any time.
We also offer a Healing Eucharist on the first Wednesday of the month starting at 12:00 noon and followed by lunch in the parish hall.
Other Services / Special Events
There are some special choral events planned for the 2024 – 2025 season. They will be performed by the choir and led by organist/choirmaster John King Carter. More Information…